Kilifi - Arise Afrika Mission

Our vision is to raise Godly generations through connecting people to God and to each other, challenging believers to Christlikeness and changing the world. We are intentional about this by winning 1,000,000 souls to Christ, make 100,000 disciples, raise 10,000 market place leaders, establish 1,000 kingdom businesses and plant 100 church by 2030. Kilifi and its environs is part of what God is fulfilling through us as we seek to reproduce what God is doing in every ICC urban church.

The Location

Kilifi is a town on the coast of Kenya 56 kilometres (35 miles) northeast by road of Mombasa.

The Population

The county has a population of 1,453,787. It covers an area of 12,245.90 km².


Kilifi is a cosmopolitan town with mixed ethnic groups. The predominant inhabitants (about 80%) are from the Mijikenda groups (mainly Giriama and Chonyi). Other groups include the Swahili-Arab descendants, Barawas, Bajunis, Somalis as well as other groups from inland. There is a handful of Indians, and Europeans, mainly British, German and Italian. 

Land Rates

Cost of Land

(Per Acre)

Lease per Month

Operation Costs (per month)


KES: 5,000,000

KES:  100,000

KES: 100,000

USD: 50,000

USD: 850

USD: 850