Leading Young - Arise Afrika Mission

Leading Young started as an 8-week leadership program based on a book of the same title by the ICC Nairobi Senior Pastor, Bishop Gibson Anduvate in 2014; And It has now grown into a global movement of leaders who support one another to tackle persistent and emerging issues in their communities, with a key focus on developing effective and influential leaders with strong effectual values in different spheres of influence.

While Leading Young’s focus has been governance and public service space, we have programs for leaders across all spheres of influence.

In the past 4 years we have graduated over 110 young leaders in public service such as Senators, Women Representatives, Members of Parliament and Members of County Assembly.

Leading Young also runs a social impact program for young leaders working in churches across various KAG churches in and out of the city. So fare we have graduated over 40 young pastors.

Leading Young programs are annual, with intakes happening at the beginning of the year and graduations at the end of the year. Currently, we have active cohorts of the Visionary Program(church leaders focus) and the Fellowship programs (Public Service leaders Focus)