KAG MUDETE CHRISTIAN CENTRE - Church Plants - Arise Afrika Mission

Mudete is a local town in Vihiga County with a population of about 554,662 people. ICC Nairobi planted this church after acquiring the church from some local inhabitants who had seized meeting there for various reasons. KAG Mudete Christian Centre was officially opened in February 2022 and is located right behind Mudete Police Station. The church runs one service on Sundays at 10.30 a.m and currently has an average attendance of 25 adults and 30 children.  The church is still small and growing but they envision to start running different ministries in the near future.

Cost of Land

(per acre)

Construction cost

Operation Costs

(Per month)

KES: 1,700,000

KES:   5,000,000

KES: 32,000

USD: 14,530

USD: 42,735

USD: 274