JOURNEY VILLAGE KIKUYU - Church Plants - Arise Afrika Mission

Kikuyu is a town in Kiambu County, Kenya, which grew from a settlement of colonial missionaries. The town is located about 20 km northwest of central Nairobi. The area has a population of about 324,000 people. Journey Village Kikuyu was established as part of the 100 church plants project to take care of the growing population of believers who would traverse the two counties to come and fellowship from ICC Nairobi. The church runs one service on Sunday from Bethsaida Park. The leadership of ICC Nairobi felt that this was a more convenient idea to allow them to fellowship from a place closer to their homes. The church records an average attendance of about 45 adults and 15 children. Some of the ministries being run here include; Worship, Nextgen, Teens and Prayer ministry.

Cost of Land

(per acre)

Construction cost

Operation Costs

(Per month)

KES: 30,000,000

KES:   10,000,000

KES: 140,000

USD: 256,410

USD: 85,470

USD: 1,197